Each of the 36 copies of this book has a unique cyanotype cover displaying images of feathers, plants and snake skin. The process of cyanotype works on light sensitive paper that stays white underneath objects and turns blue where the paper is exposed to light. It is the original process by which blue prints were created and also early botanical studies.

How to Speak to Birds is a letterpress chapbook I created at Penland's Winter Residency Program, in which I adapted text from a 1940’s publication which introduced birdwatching as a hobby to “young & old, outdoors-lovers & shut-ins.” Through my adaptation of the text in historical fonts and with engraved illustrations, I am encouraging viewers to relate to nature by considering the physical act of attempting to “speak” to birds in their own language. This work distills birdwatching down to the simple act of adopting an active awareness of one’s environment, promoting the value of having a quiet mind which learns to listen before speaking. This work is part of the ongoing body of work, The Language of Watching.
Production photo of "How to Speak to Birds," an artist's book created through letterpress and cyanotype. Each book measures 6" x 4.75" closed. Produced in January 2018 at Penland School of Craft, Winter Residency. In letterpress, each character is set by hand, inked and printed, one copy at a time. The type is set backwards to print right reading. This book was printed on a Vandercook IV.

"How to Speak to Birds," an artist's book featuring letterpress and cyanotype on paper, 6" x 4.75" closed. Produced in January 2018 at Penland School of Craft, Winter Residency. Editions available for purchase from the artist.

First page of the artist's book, "How to Speak to Birds" from 2018. The background was created by arranging P22 BLOX in a chaotic pattern and printing these blocks on a letterpress. The type was then printed on top in a second print run.

"How to Speak to Birds," an artist's book featuring letterpress and cyanotype on paper, 6" x 4.75" closed. Produced in January 2018 at Penland School of Craft, Winter Residency. Editions available for purchase from the artist.

"How to Speak to Birds," an artist's book featuring letterpress and cyanotype on paper, 6" x 4.75" closed. Produced in January 2018 at Penland School of Craft, Winter Residency. Editions available for purchase from the artist.
Production photo of "How to Speak to Birds," an artist's book created through letterpress and cyanotype. Each book measures 6" x 4.75" closed. Produced in January 2018 at Penland School of Craft, Winter Residency.
In several of the editions, "How to Speak to Birds" includes a background which was created by arranging these P22 BLOX in a chaotic pattern and printing these blocks on a letterpress. The type was then printed on top in a second print run.
Production photo of "How to Speak to Birds," an artist's book created through letterpress and cyanotype. Each book measures 6" x 4.75" closed. Produced in January 2018 at Penland School of Craft, Winter Residency.
In several of the editions, "How to Speak to Birds" includes a background which was created by arranging these P22 BLOX in a chaotic pattern and printing these blocks on this Vandercook IV letterpress.
Production photo of "How to Speak to Birds," an artist's book created through letterpress and cyanotype. Each book measures 6" x 4.75" closed. Produced in January 2018 at Penland School of Craft, Winter Residency. I enjoyed exploring the metal and wood type collection throughout the residency. Digging through a drawer like a treasure hunt.