These tutorials are here to help you better understand the concepts and techniques of visual journaling. They are split into parts for easy access to certain topics, but they are meant to be viewed at least once in order from 1-8. We can review any of these techniques in class and additional techniques will be demonstrated in class over the course of the semester. Questions? Email rsimmons@rollins.edu.
Part One: It Begins With Writing Covers beginning a journal entry and developing a writing practice
Part Two: Tackle the White Page Covers materials, ink wash, wax resist and stencils
Part Three: Distressed Collage Demonstrates how to distress collage as a visual element
Part Four: Tape Transfers Shows the process of making a tape transfer out of text
Part Five: Solvent Transfers Covers the process of making solvent transfers with a clear blender pen
Part Six: Gel Transfers Demonstrates how to create a gel transfer using a magazine image
Part Seven: Unified By Design Discusses design strategies to unify journal pages
Part Eight: Drawing and Final Layers Completes the demonstration through drawing and final touches